Exploring Edinburgh Old Town in September

Edinburgh is my favourite city in the world. There is nowhere else like it. I went back over for my third time this year to take photos.

I flew back to my favourite city at the end of September, and this time, I focused my lens on capturing the Old Town. During the day, I noticed street musicians are all around the city. They're everywhere. With bagpipers, singers, and bands, the town is alive with talent.

I packed my Sony A7IV with a 35mm lens and captured all my still photos with this setup. I recently got my hands on a GoPro Hero 12, and this trip was a perfect opportunity to road-test the camera. The video I created tells the story of my journey around the city during the day, leading up to the night, where my Sony camera took over for the late-night shots.

Edinburgh is even more beautiful at night. Victoria Street feels whimsical and magical after dark. The castle is a sight to behold, and the view from The Vennel steps is breathtaking at night.


I created a book to showcase my photos of Edinburgh


UX Scotland and 24 hours winging it around Edinburgh